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Hammerin’ Hank Greenberg

Hammerin’ Hank Greenberg played for the Detroit Tigers before WWII and experienced anti-Semitism both on the field and off.  He was born to Romanian Jewish immigrants and began playing pro at the age of 19.  Known as the “Jewish Babe Ruth,” he helped the Tigers win the World Series and was voted American League MVP in 1935.  In 1941, Greenberg joined the Air Force, but returned to a successful ball career in 1945, winning the World Series again.

Taunted on the field by players and spectators, Greenberg knew prejudice first hand.  With the rise of Hitler and the world at war, Greenberg’s life is set against a backdrop of political and cultural anti-Semitism.

Sommer’s writing is accessible and interesting.  Most pages include black and white photos, mainly from team promotions.  The paper is thin and feels like newsprint.  Bibliography, index, and further resources are provided at the end, along with Hank Greenberg’s fantasy all-star line-up.