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Great Vampire Legends

Vampire legends grew out of people in the 1600 and 1700s trying to make sense of unexplainable deaths, mixed with the unexplainable changes death brings to a body. “Today we know that vampires don’t exist”  because we know about contagious diseases, how hair and nails appear to grow after death when in reality it is the skin tightening, and we know about the bloating caused by internal gases building up in a decomposing body.

Vampire creatures from around the world are briefly touched upon: Hindu – Kali, Chinese – chiang-shin, Africa – asasabonsam, Australia- yara-ma-yha-who, Aouth America – asema, Malaysia – penanggalan, and Mexico – chupacabra.

“The belief in real vampires is long gone, But thanks to books, TV shows, and movies, vampires are more popular today than ever.

I was hoping for more specific detailed legends, but this should fill the niche for those readers who need high interest go match their  low reading level.