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Graveyard Shakes

There are two stories that come together in a single tale in Graveyard Shakes. The first story is about two sisters. Victoria and her younger sister, Katia, are sent from the farm to a boarding school on scholarship. Victoria wants to fit in and Katia loves to stand out, which doesn’t help Victoria. The second story is about a mad scientist (Nikoa), his nearly dead son (Modie) and ghosts, including Little Ghost. Every thirteen years, Nikola must take the spirit of a living child and give it to his son so that his son might “live”. Most of the ghosts in the graveyard (and secret laboratory) help with the process, except Little Ghost who is really rather scared of this ghostly stuff.

The two stories converge during a snowstorm, when Nikola sends his ghostly helpers to find a child and Katia runs away from Victoria, who must find her before she is used a life giving essence for Modie. With some help from Little Ghost and Modie, who both sacrifice themselves, the sisters escape from Nikola and end his evil plans. The story wraps up nicely, with the sisters accepting each other as they are, Nikola accepting his son’s death and vowing to be a better person, Little Ghost finally at peace and Modie (now a ghost) enjoying his new ‘family’ – Victoria and Katia.

The artwork is bold and the story is fast-paced. Young readers won’t be as disturbed as their adult counterparts by Nikola’s obsession with his child’s immortality and willingness to sacrifice living children. And, the sisters’ eventual acceptance of their uniqueness and unity after the initial discord is heartwarming. Additional selection.

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About Candy Ranney

Candy is an elementary school librarian in Shelton, WA at the school where she was a student (so many years ago!). Her library is unique in that she brings her background and love of biology to her students in many ways. Not only does she have an awesome selection of science books; she also has a beaver, bobcat and mink sitting on her shelves and a variety of jarred specimens for her students to study. When she's not in the library, she is taking care of her baby trees on her tree farm and hanging out with her family and many pets.