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Got to Get to Bear’s!

I really enjoyed this one. The illustrations fill the animal characters with personality and spirit. The story opens with a chipmunk receiving a note from Bear to “Please come at once!” Imagining Bear in distress, since Bear never asks for anything, little Izzy sets out to brave a coming storm in order to help her friend. When she finds herself unable to continue, a squirrel comes to her aid, and they continue on until the storm is even too much for the two of them, when a duck in a knit cap and scarf try to fly them through, but eventually the three must accept the help of a sweater-clad raccoon too. As they persevere through each new struggle, we read again and again the refrain, “No matter how steep or tough the climb, a friend is worth it, every time.” When they finally reach their destination, it turns out Bear wasn’t really distressed — he just wanted to wish his small chipmunk friend a happy birthday.