High School ; Hard Cover, Fiction, Mystery, Romance - Spicy ; Recommended

Girl, Unframed

Sydney Rielly gets to stay with her mother in San Francisco for the summer, but she just doesn’t feel right from the start. She feels like she is missing out on IT but IT has lots of possibilities. Her mother is a formerly famous star who is dating a younger man and staying in an amazing house overlooking San Francisco Bay. Sydney does not feel comfortable there. The boyfriend creeps her out and it becomes apparent he is dealing with illegal artwork and is physically abusive to her mom. To avoid this drama, she seeks opportunities to explore outside her home, primarily down by the beach. Sydney will meet Nicco, an eclectic, creative type who doesn’t come from money. But will Nicco satisfy her desire for IT? When back around the house, in addition to the creepy boyfriend, the construction worker next door seems to have taken a liking to Sydney. Would a summer fling satisfy that IT craving? Maybe IT is just stability and love from her parents, something Syndey has not had in her life. Deb Caletti creates a mysterious vibe by starting each chapter with courtroom exhibit notes such as Exhibit 21: Silver locket w/broken chain belonging to Sydney E. Reilly, found at the south end of cove of Baker Beach. A reader knows all along that something will go wrong, but to whom and when? And what is IT? Thanks to the chilling mood throughout, this is a story that teens could enjoy. There are a few parts where the main character’s actions don’t ring true to other aspects of her character, almost as if Caletti was trying to do too much with the story. But this book could become discussion-worthy if a few people were to read it at the same time. Overall, it is recommended for purchase but by the paperback version. The cover art is much more intriguing.