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This TRUE Book is disappointing in the lack of  information it delivers. There are five chapters: 1- Studying the Earth, 2- History of Geology, 3- Our Rapidly and Slowly Changing Earth, 4- The Rock Cycle, and 5 – Frozen Fields and Outer Space.  Chapter 1 and 2 each begins with a set of rhetorical questions that peak curiosity, but the chapters do not satisfy.  Chapter-1 Studying the Earth indicates there are at least six varieties of geologists: study the materials that make up the earth, study fossils, study major structures on earth’s surface, study how earth’s surfaces change, look for energy sources, and look for areas conducive to building, but do not go into detail.

Chapters 3 and 4 deliver the most information the reader would expect to learn from a book with the title- GEOLOGY: The Study of Rocks. Chapter 3 informs the reader about the layers of the earth in a comparison with a peach and includes a diagram, grinding tectonic plates and erosion change the earth slowly, while earthquakes and volcanoes change the earth quickly. Chapter 4 informs the reader of the rock cycle with its three stages: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Finally, chapter 5 deflates the reader by mentioning studies of geologists in  arctic regions and in outer space which one day may prove of interest, but for now is too theoretical for young readers.