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Deadly Flowers

Deadly Flowers is a historical fiction adventure. Sako has trained since she was three years old to be a ninja.  She receives her first mission and she will no longer be in training when finished. If successful, she will be a useful tool for hire.  If she fails, she will be nothing, have no home, and have no one to rely on for help. Her first mission is to make a kill in the sleeping hour. For this first mission, Sako is assigned a compatriot, a mysterious puzzle of a girl who recently arrived at the ninja school and clearly has never trained in her life. The mission goes sideways, and Sako must devise a plan to save her life and is fruitful for Madame else suffer the consequences of a failed mission. Sako takes the only course open to her, she kidnaps the intended young victim and compatriot. Together, this trio embark on an adventure that requires intellect and skill to outwit a warlord’s samurai as well as unexpected bakemono.

Thomson’s skill with descriptive language propels the plot and paints a vivid picture that changes with characters, events and mystical beings.  

This story that is part action, part adventure, part fantasy, and all intrigue will satisfy readers and leave them wanting more.  A must purchase to round a library collection and bring a female protagonist to ninja readers.