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Chasing the Crown

This book is based on the Disney movie Princess Protection Program and is book #1 of several titles within the series.  Even though it is the first installment, the story must pick up from where the movie left off.  The main character, a high school girl named Carter Mason, is off to Washington DC with her father as the very special guest of Queen Rosalinda of Costa Luna.  She became best of friends with ‘Rosie’ when she came to live with Carter and her dad, a security guy for the ‘Princess Protection Program.  It had been up to Carter to teach Rosie how to blend in and be a regular teenage American gal.  Apparently this all happened in the movie, which I never did see.  Anyway, now Rosie is visiting the U.S.  and has invited Carter and her father to be her guest while she is in DC.  Shortly after they arrive there, Rosie and Carter’s father both must leave for some urgent business, leaving Carter on her own with the other security guards.  She befriends Princesses Alice Catherine and Ingrid from Scandia, and uncovers a plot to dethrone the heir to the Scandia throne, Alice Catherine.  She does some sleuthing, her dad comes back and Rosie comes back to pitch in and help, and they solve the case.  Cute, interesting, and totally unbelievable.  I’m sure some girls who adore princesses and who’ve seen the movie will enjoy this adventure.  The characters are predictable as is the plot.  Not too much to think about here.