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Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a suspenseful thriller set in an airport.  It appears that this is the first book of a series in which three middle-school age kids meet for the first time and, together, solve the mystery of the U.S. flag stolen from the Smithsonian Museum.  All three happened to be at the Smithsonian at a ceremony to rededicate the flag after being removed and repaired for the last six months.  The next morning, all three are at the airport when all flights are cancelled due to a snowstorm.  They recognize one another when they all hear that the flag they had just seen the previous evening had been stolen.  One boy, Jose, was particularly upset as his mother had done the restoration of the flag and was now taken into custody as a suspect.  As no one was going anywhere, they all had plenty of time to talk and figure out that whomever had taken the flag was probably stuck in the snowstorm, just like them.  With some great deductive reasoning, the kids all work together to figure out who was at the museum last night and who would have opportunity and motive to do such a thing.  The three become friends and along the way discover that they have much more in common than first thought–each has a parent or close relative who is a member of the Silver Jaguar Society–a group of people who are all related to past artists and who have all taken an oath to protect art at all costs.  Those in the Society all wear some type of Silver Jaguar which identifies them to fellow Society members.  Lots of twists and turns and an enjoyable read.