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Two true/false questions are posed on the first page of the books in this series, the answer to which is found within the chapters.  (The last page indicates which is the true fact.)  Beginning with three distinct types of birds – penguins that swim, hummingbirds that fly, and ostriches that run – many commonalities are presented.  Although all birds have characteristics related to flight, not all birds fly.  Information comparing wings, feathers, beaks, and habitats vary, depending on their use.  All birds lay eggs, so the chick can develop outside the mother’s body as the added weight would prevent her from flying.  Global warming, vanishing habitats, and human pollution are some of the factors affecting the survival of many species.  Photographs are large, colorful, and captioned.  A migration map, a life-cycle diagram, and a quick facts chart provide additional data.  The migration map, while interesting, is small and hard to read.  Overall, the quality, accuracy, and presentation of material is well done.  This book is a fine resource for reports or simply reading for pleasure.  Glossary, index, and a page about the author are included in the back.  Additional resources include two books, one written at a similar level, one for younger readers, and an excellent website provided by Scholastic.