High School ; Hard Cover, Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction ; Recommended

Between Shades of Gray

Between Shades of Gray, is the heart-wrenching YA novel about the Soviet occupation of Lithuania in 1941.  The author, Ruth Sepetys, tells of the forced removal of “undesirables” by the Soviet army to the frozen regions of Siberia, a hostile, forbidding place. 

The graphic novel of this acclaimed novel is stunning. With the author’s approval and guidance, the story of Lina, and her incredible courage comes alive.  Sketches and drawings tell of her pain, shock, and resilience even better than words. The desolation and isolation of the frozen North is haunting in the “shades of gray” as well as the glimmer of golden hope to survive.   

The sun is only a tiny sliver of gold between the gray of the sky and the gray of the frozen land. Love of life and the possibility of a better future is the tiny sliver of hope in a world of starvation, cruelty, and unimaginable suffering.  To survive and remain human in the direst of situations, Lina, a 16-year-old teenager, tells about her experiences through her drawings.  She draws to send messages to her father and then she draws to remember the faces of those lost and then she draws to document the horror she experiences, in hope that it will become known to the rest of the world.

This novel is a documentation of a horrible historical event.  The graphic novel makes the story come alive with painful beauty and tenderness.  Hopefully, it will be accessible to even more readers.