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Bambert’s Book of Missing Stories

Reminiscent of The Chronicles of Harris Burdick, Bambert’s Book of Missing Stories  is a collection of stories that has mysterious origins. A back story was created about the mysterious Mr. Bambert, a man whose deformity causes him to become a recluse. His only outlet is sitting on the roof and talking to the moon. The moon gives him ideas for stories and Bambert writes them. Finally, Bambert decides to set his stories free to find their own settings. He sends out the stories, including the last four pages of his book which are still blank in the hopes that the last story will write itself, and requests that the people who find the stories return them with the finder’s address to Bambert so he can learn each story’s proper setting. This book is the story of Bambert’s life, the collection of the stories with the places where they were found, and Bambert’s notes about each story and its setting. There are stories about princesses and court jesters, Tsars, revolutions and wax museums. The illustrations are charming.  This book is fantastic; it could be used as prompts for a creative writing class, and it has a place in every library.