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Attack of the Zombie Rabbids

Silliness at its best abounds in this Nickelodeon-TV show book based on a screenplay by Melanie Duval.

When I showed two of my  classes the dust cover to this book, I found numerous hands coming in my direction reaching for it, thinking it was the actual book. Instead of “Attack of the Zombie Rabbids”, I had attack of the second and third graders.

In this story, the rabbids at the mall find a box of doughnuts green with powdery mold. Not knowing any better, one of the rabbids eats a doughnut, or as they call it a “green delicious-looking round thing”. (20) The rabbid turns into a zombie.

On and on the rabbid(s) with the box of doughnuts try to keep it away from the other rabbids. One by one a rabbid eats a doughnut turning into a zombie until at last, the last doughnut in the box is eaten by the last rabbid.

Greedy little rabbids who will not share run screaming away from rabbids who have eaten a “green delicious-looking round thing” are laughable humor.