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100% Wolf

Once you get past and accept the fact that you are reading about werewolves in a humous manner, not in a gothic way, and get past the fart dialogue, 100% Wolf is actually a pretty engrossing story–funny, good character development, and nonstop action.  By the end of the story, you end up cheering for the underdog (no pun intended).  Because of the setting and ‘castle’ is mentioned, I am guessing the story takes place in Europe.  The Lupin family comes from a long and distinguished line of werewolves–the Fangen clan.  On each youngster’s 125th month birthday, on the monthly full moon, there is a wolfification–where the youngster makes his or her first change into a wolf and gets to lead the pack on the hunt.  Freddy lives with his uncle, who is the leader of the clan, and his two cousins who are absolute terrors with no boundaries.  When his big night arrives, instead of changing into a wolf he changes into a poodle.  You see, his mom was bit by a poodle while she was pregnant with him and although his father is a full-blooded werewolf, he still mutated.  His rotten cousins strap a moonstone around his neck making it impossible for him to change back into human form.  While a dog, he discovers a plot to kill off the Fangen clan, but he can’t warn anyone because of his dog form.  Very funny and engaging.