ChillOut Scooby-Doo!

True Scooby-Doo fans will enjoy this predictable story line.

Scooby and Shaggy get tricked into going to the Himalayas “Professor Jeffries, an archaeologist searching for the lost city of Shangri-La…” is really up to no good. A yeti shows up who, of course, is a person in disguise. “Row reature?” … “Rikes!”   And Velma, Daphne, and Fred arrive in time to help save the day.

The World’s Most Huanted Places

The title is  a bit misleading, as all but one of the places in this book are on the the North American continent.

“Read on to learn about some of the world’s spookiest places-then decide for yourself if hauntings are fact or fiction.” (p. 5)

In 7 mini chapters, usually no more than 4 pages long including photos, Matt Chandler describes six different characteristics of haunting: Chapter 2-Ghostly Figures, Chapter 3- Unexplained Noises, Chapter 4- Extreme Temperatures, Chapter 5- Moving Objects, Chapter 6- Mysterious Music, and Chapter 7- Repeating the Past. First, he writes a brief description of the phenomenon followed by a noted example of the phenomenon. The book will induce a creepy feeling even for skeptics.

Includes a glossary, index, and FactHound safe Internet web site.

Werewolf High

As Simon celebrates his fourteenth-and-a-half birthday by getting his first pair of eye glasses strange things begin to happen to him. “There are a lot of stories about the power of a full moon, but I haven’t heard anything about the effects of a new moon.” (p. 6) Over the next few nights, Simon’s body transforms one item per night, then returns to normal by the morning: first night equals a tail, second night -paws, third night -ears, and so on. Simon  foils a burglary on a night after his full transformation and shares the events with a mythology loving friend Ricardo.  “I barely believe it myself , “Simon admitted. “I used to only read about mythology. Now… I am mythology.” (p. 51)

Nine chapters of high interest with easy reading for reluctant older students. Includes ‘Discussion Questions’ and ‘Writing Prompts’.

Oops – typo on page 32  “saiad” should be said.

Elephants Trumpet!

Transitional readers will enjoy the large font statement in this factual book followed by the smaller font detail bubbles.

“It can make a loud trumpeting sound.

Trumpeting is not the only sound elephants make. They can also bark, growl, and snort.”

Readers will, also, enjoy the photos of elephants, shot in the wild, with their mud encrusted skin, whiskers under their mouth, close-ups of their feet, the end of their nose, and playing in the river.

School Carnival from the Black Lagoon, The

Hubie’s school is going to have a carnival. “If we raise enough [money], we can have a real, live author come to our school. If we don’t, maybe we could afford a not-so-alive author.” So begins Mike Thaler’s  10 chapters of the antics at the Black Lagoon . The humor is fast paced with word play much like in THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH. Thanks to Jared Lee the pages are full of visual comic book  humor stretching even further the laughs per page. Hubie’s class booth turns out to be a dunk tank with aqua-phobic Hubie on the ‘hot seat’. The class makes tons of money because the crowd is throwing ping-pong balls at the mouse trap trigger of the target. Guess who /what eventually trips the lever? A mouse, of course. The school can afford an author, who just turns out to be none other than Mike Thaler.