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The Little Bookshop and the Origami Army

What librarian is not going to recommend a book where the characters from books come to life through the power of imagination to rescue the little local book shop from destruction. Little Joey is on his rounds delivering newspapers around London when he learns of the book shop owner’s distress that there are plans in the works to knock down his shop to make way for a super store.  Little Joey immediately whispers into his news bag and Origami Girl bursts forth to help.  Needing help, she heads into the book shop, tapping assorted children’s favorites until an army of favorite book characters has burst forth, but when they find the leaders of Parliament snoozing, and the Mayor and the workers about ready to break ground, they know they’ll need even more reinforcements, so they head to the library.  When the Mayor shouts at his workers to destroy them because they’re only made of paper, they respond my shouting back that they are made of ideas and imagination, things that can never be destroyed, and since the workers’ children have followed the characters to the work site, they’re not about to battle the stuff of their dreams before their very eyes, so the Mayor knows he’s beat, and the book shop is saved.  The illustrations provide a great opportunity for young readers to see which favorite characters they recognize, and to start a discussion about their own favorites. It’s a winner.