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Littlest Bigfoot, The

Alice is a 12 year old girl who is quite troubled. Her parents send her away to boarding schools and summer camps each year to avoid her. She is physically awkward. She is excessively too tall, her body is overly stocky, and her hair is very thick, curly and unruly. Each boarding school she attends, she does not remain in, due to bullying. More than anything in the world, she wants to have a friend.

Millie is a Bigfoot, living in the Yare community deep in the woods. She is excessively small for her age, and therefore feels useless because she is weak and slow. She is very interested in the “No-Furs” (humans) that go to school on the other side of the lake, but it is forbidden to talk to one because they cannot be trusted.

Jeremy is a boy that is infatuated with the Bigfoot. He conducts searches of them on the internet. He completes a presentation about them every year in school. He wants to hunt them.

Alice is sent to another new boarding school where she is again bullied due to her diverse appearance. Escaping into the woods at night, she rescues Millie from drowning in the lake. A spark of a secret friendship begins. As the three characters’ lives collide, a crazy plot is formed to save Millie and her Yare community. The ending is a tease of the potential of a sequel.

This story has a great moral of accepting yourself and others, no matter the differences.