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Meat and Protein

This introductory text to the food group “meat and protein”  is quite basic for preschoolers.  It identifies meat, beans, fish, eggs and nuts as food that we eat to be protein healthy. After explaining where all of these come from, we are told that these foods can keep us healthy (especially our blood), help us grow, and give us energy.  Fat in some meat is to be avoided…(photo of a hamburger and fries).  The out-dated food pyramid is shown to inform kids to eat foods from each food group.  Each two page spread has a close-and-up-front photo with one sentence underneath each photo.  Information  seems almost  too elementary, even for preschoolers.  The notes to parents and teachers in the Back Matter help suggestions for discussions that I think could have been included in the book, itself…such as…”Discuss the fact that some people do not eat meat and fish…some people do not eat meat, fish,  eggs, or dairy.”   Also…”Some people do not eat certain types of meat, or only meat that has been prepared in a certain way because of their religious beliefs.”  Students these days seem to be more informed that these books assume.  My three year old granddaughter would maybe get only one new concept from this costly publication.  Picture Glossary (three words) and Index are included in the Back Matter.