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The White Wand (Book 2)

This is the tongue-in-cheek sequel to THE WICKEDEST WITCH in the Witches at War! series by author Martin Howard and illustrator Colin Stimpson. “Only a power-crazed evil sorceress out to take over the world would wear heels like that, and, in fact, Deadly Nightshade was a power-crazed evil sorceress out to take over the world. So that was alright.”  And to do that Diabolica needs The Black Wand of Ohh Please Don’t Turn Me Into Aaaaargh … Ribbet. The politics of the witching world continues as Esmelia plots to gain the title of The Most Superior High and Wicked Witch permanently while her apprentice, Sam, simply plots to stay alive, though hopefully not as an apprentice to Esmelia.

The NUMBER 1 rule in the witching world is witches do not have children! Sam knows who her grandmother was, Sam’s mother has just learned Sam is her daughter, but doesn’t know who her own mother was. A puzzle to be solved, a throne to gain, and the world to conquer.

Who, oh, who will come out on top, and how does the classic children’s song/dance the Hokey Pokey turn into a magical dance of Hocus Pocus which helps to foil evil?