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The Scarecrows’ Wedding

In a tale told in rhyme, two scarecrows, Betty O’Barley and Harry O’Hay, decide to marry.  After making a list of everything they will need for the wedding, they set off to gather them.  The geese give feathers for a dress, the cows have bells, a crab brings a necklace of shells, and mice find rings from a curtain.  The only thing left are pink flowers.  While Betty rests, Harry goes off to find them.  Meanwhile, the farmer notices Harry is gone and replaces him with Reginald Rake.  Reginald quickly begins to woo Betty by showing her how clever he is.  He foolishly lights a cigar and tries to blow smoke rings.  A small fire starts when he drops the cigar.  (Everyone knows smoking is harmful.)  Betty is in danger yet Reginald runs off in a panic.  Just in time, Harry returns with pink flowers in a pail of water.  Disaster is diverted and the wedding takes place as planned.  The artwork is bright and colorful, filled with additional details of the insects and small animals found in fields.