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The Georgia Colony

This book begins with the history of the area that would eventually become the Georgia Colony.  Tor thousands of years, native Americans, namely the Creek and the Cherokee, lived in the region.  By the 1500s, Europeans began to explore North America.  Spanish had settled in Florida, British in South Carolina, and both  began to look toward the Georgia area for expansion.  From this point, several influential people are mentioned, along with the evolving way of life as more settlers arrived and political issues caused dissension.  Brief highlights from 9000 B.C.E. to the signing of the U. S. Constitution in 1788 are in the 48 page book.  Some information is a bit sketchy but certainly provides enough facts to encourage further investigation.  Included in the back are other books to read, websites, museums, to visit (addresses and websites provided), a glossary, index, and a note about the author.