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The Forgetting

In this fantasy/sci-fi novel, teenager Nadia is an outcast because she is the dyer’s daughter (one who dyes clothes). In the town of Canaan where Nadia lives, a wall surrounds the town; no one is allowed to venture past this wall, but Nadia climbs over the wall every night to find out what is really behind the structure. Every twelve years in the city of Canaan, everyone forgets everything about who they were and everything that has ever happened. The only way to remember is to record things in “your book” which is always on one’s person. Nadia is the only person in Canaan who can remember the past. Nadia knows that someone has replaced her book with a false one. Who replaced her book and why did they replaced it?!!

The pacing of the story was a bit slow, but the variety of characters keeps the story interesting. The story begins seemingly as a regular fantasy, but half-way through, the plot develops into a sci-fi story. When the sci-fi elements appear in the book, it answers a lot of misconceptions which gives the reader a new insight into the city and its residents. The concept of the book itself is very intriguing; the subject matter of memory is fascinating. Nadia is portrayed as a very strong protagonist. This book will appeal to teens who like fantasy, sci-fi and suspense.

–Charlotte H.