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The Case of the Missing Moose

Milo and Jazz, best friends and detectives, are away at summer camp, one on each side of the lake.  Jazz was having fun, writing every other day to Milo.  Milo was also having fun, except for one kid.  Isn’t it always that one kid can ruin the whole thing?  This kid, Tony, was always giving Milo a bad time, laughing at him, teasing him, and just being a general pain.  Plus Milo kept forgetting to write to Jazz, although he thought of her often.  As part of a camp ritual, each camp has a ‘color war’ and each team makes it’s own mascot.  Milo and his blue team make an excellent version of the dreaded ‘Lake Moose’, a creature so scary that legends had been told of it for years.  A lot of the color war competition and points depended on the mascot.  The day after the blue team makes their mascot, it disappears.  Milo is sure it is the obnoxious kid, Tony, but how did he do it?  Jazz comes to the rescue and saves the blue team from defeat and delivers the Lake Moose by canoe.  It appears that Tony had a twin sister who looks just like him who he coerced into stealing the mascot.  The whole story spills. Kids will enjoy figuring out who is responsible for the missing mascot.