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Snap is a tale of childhood innocence, simple in its detail.  A little boy is afraid of monsters, when it is time to go to day care (or maybe preschool) he puts on a crocodile mask.  “  ‘Snap! I said when I left my house. ‘Snap!’ I said when I got in the car. “Snap!” I said when they left me there.”

The other children are all wearing mask, too. The little boy’s only word is “Snap!” until a smaller child sits near him. ”  ‘Go away,’ I snapped. ‘This is my log.’   ”  But she doesn’t go away. She begins to draw. Curiosity gets the better of him as he slowly moves closer to her to see what she is drawing. The monkey face mask is perfect. He wears the monkey mask the rest of the day, even to bed that night.

The moral to the story is- what may seem scary at first, time can change.

The layered paper cut-outs are charming, especially with the little children’s bodies jointed together with brads.