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Rapunzel Stories Around the World : Three Beloved Tales

Countries around the world share common themes found in fairy tales.  The basic premise of Rapunzel is of a beautiful girl taken from her family by an old woman and being kept isolated in a tower or room.  She is discovered by a handsome young man, they fall in love, and devise a plan to free her from her confines.  Meister gathered Rapunzel stories from Germany, the Philippines, and Italy to include in this book.  Each are adapted to local customs and traditions.  A fairy tale is defined/explained on the first page.  Included in the back are: a glossary, three Common Core critical thinking questions, and a couple of writing prompts.  The book concludes with a bibliography for other Rapunzel stories, internet sites, and  list of other books in this series (Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Snow White).