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Guys Write for Guys Read

Jon Sczieszka has made is his mission to reach reluctant readers. My boys loved The Stinky Cheese Man, Math Curse, and Science Verse; I can’t imagine many authors more suited to this task. This new edition of his book where “boys’ favorite authors write about being boys!” is sure to reach his target audience. In addition to an excerpt from Scieszka’s Knucklehead, two of my favorites are “Principles and Principals” about an evil middle school principal who is determined to win a battle of wills with a seventh grade boy and “My French Teacher Tried to Kill Me” about an assassin who hiding out as a French teacher. Filled with essays, short stories, poems, comics, and illustrations by some of the best and craziest authors, editors and illustrators out there, who all were boys at one time.

*Note: All royalties from the book go to support the Guys Read program.