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Grumbles from the Town: Mother-Goose Voices with a Twist

The book begins with Mother Goose sailing into view.  The introductory poem explains that the intent is to “remix old songs anew to turn them into something true fro modern singer, wingers, readings.”  The authors take 14 selected nursery rhymes from around the world and reinvent them in two unique poems with different voices, playing with points of view.  The dog complaining about the snoring when its pouring (It’s Raining, It’s Pouring), a pie tuckered out from all the thumbs (Little Jack Horner) a happy fiddle (Old King Cole) are just a few of the fun twists on the originals.  This book is similar to the author’s first book Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy-Tale Voices with a Twist.

A great choice for teaching point of view or for writers workshop.

The end of the book includes the original nursery rhymes as well as background on each original.  The book wraps up with a farewell poem from Mother Goose.