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Dear Flyary

In this cross between a Dr. Seuss and George Jetson world where numerous diversified multiple body part (eyes, ears, mouths, arms, noses) beings live and work together, a young boy(?) receives his first flyary (diary) from his oldpop (grandfather) for his dropday (birthday). He is to use his flyary to scrib (write) about his first spaceship. The plot then revolves around his four trips to “Wurpitz Hoolo’s Spaceship Repair, Wash and Fillerup Station”.

The reader must decipher the space-age talk, often derived from synonyms we use today, but sometimes only by context clues, before the reader is off to discover the plot. I found the space-talk, though clever, makes this a slow read. How many young readers will be willing to read it several times to get to the actual story?