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Behold the Beautiful Dung Beetle

“Beautiful” and “dung beetles” may seem like an oxymoron, but dung beetles are considered “ancient symbols of life and renewal”.  Found on every continent except Antarctica, these beetles are nature’s clean-up crew.  Waste of other animals mean life to the dung beetle.  They rely on dung for nutrients and water and use it to complete their life cycle.  There are three types of dung beetles: dwellers, rollers, and tunnelers.  Dwellers eat before it dries out, rollers push balls of dung away from the pat to use later, and tunnelers dig tunnels under the pat to store the dung.  Competitions can be tough, mates are chosen, and eggs are laid.  Plants also benefit from nutrients as dung is buried in the soil.  Young beetles (grubs) feast on dung.  Grubs evolve to pupa, which eventually grown into adult beetles.  Pages contain a simple narrative as well as a more detailed paragraph.  Watercolor and pencil artwork is stunning – a great match to the intriguing facts of this fascinating insect.  Additional facts, glossary, and bibliography are also included.